Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sneek Peek! Coming Soon Animechs!

Besides working on the Kickstarter we are running now, we have been working on more 15mm goodness! John Bear Ross has been working like a madman on our new Animechs line. These Animal themed mechs will be introduced in our Universe as a new Alien threat. Check them out!

More updates soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Asylum KS Stretch goal update!

Great News!  We funded! Thank you everyone! AND as of right now we have met the first stretch goal! … Although we are really close J.  So the first free figure is added to the Welcome to the Asylum Pledge!

Pass the word along on this KS and we’ll be able to reach more goals and more Free figs!

We have made some changes, per requests, as well.

-All pledges $35 and up will also get the digital copy of the digest rulebook.
-We have added a $10 pledge for those that just wanted the printed rulebook.

Thank you everyone for your support and have a great Thanksgiving! We are thankful for all our supporters!

The next stretch goal is Mad Myra! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Kickstarter FUNDED!

We are on to the first Stretch goal!

Here are a few more stand alone shots!

Thank you!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Rebel Minis Launches 28mm scale Red Ops 5: Asylum Kickstarter

Here is our Release:

Several months ago, Rebel Minis acquired a 28mm pewter Horror miniature line from Comfy Chair Games with one goal. We wanted to create a 28mm scale Horror Skirmish style game and miniature line that fit in the Rebel Minis universe.

To do this, we needed to build a skirmish game that fit in our current world settings and we needed to develop the miniatures that went with the game. As most of you know, we have partnered with Two Hour Wargames on many projects. Two Hour Wargames has created award winning games such as All Things Zombie and 5150 and many more (Hey, Go check them out! ). So it made sense for us to contact Ed @ THW on this new project.

Red Ops 5: Asylum is a fast paced modern horror style skirmish game where players control a gang with the goal of defeating the other gang or gangs. The system is easy to learn and most games will last between 30min- 1 hour.

As I said, we acquired the excellent Comfy Chair Games line Horror miniatures. So now, we need to make new molds, clean masters and have them ready to launch with Red Ops 5: Asylum. This is where the bulk of the funding will go. Our goal to have everything from the old line available eventually, but right now are creating “gangs” and focusing on Red Ops 5: Asylum.

There are 7 gangs:

- the Merc-Hunter Gang
- the Men-n-Black Gang
- the Mean Streets Gang
- the Franken Gang
- the Chain Gang
- the Chainsaw Gang
- the Pig-men Gang


We have a lot more info on the actual Kickstarter page here:

If you have any interest, take a look and please tell your friends. I'll have more updates soon.

Thank you for your support!