Friday, July 27, 2012

The Manth and VOTT Command Released!

After a great Historicon, we are back releasing some new packs!

First up, are The Manth! An Ant-like race, The Manth have one goal in life... the colony must grow! The 15mm Manth Infantry Pack comes with 21 15mm Miniatures. Sculpted by PF, these are highly detailed and a must for any Sci-Fi gamer! Painted by David McBride. SRP: $10.95

Next we have the VOTT Command. With the success of our Vott Infantry, we had alot of requests for command figures.  VOTT Command Pack comes with 6 15mm Miniatures. Sculpted by PF, these are highly detailed and a must for any Sci-Fi gamer! Painted by David McBride. SRP $3.99

You can see all these packs and more @

We will be releasing more packs in the next few days!

As always, thank you for your support!


  1. Wow, both of these sets look fantastic, nicely done!

  2. That little guy on the left is hilarious! He is looking right at his dead compatriot like..."What the hell?!"

  3. Really like the Manth. Think I will be buying some of these.
